Monday, May 16, 2011

My Access Essay: Is being famous advantageous?

Fame might seem all play and no work, but what goes on behind the scenes makes being famous difficult and dramatic. There are a lot of fans.  Some fans could be  slightly insane, and they might start stalking you just like the paparazzi will. Even though you haven't done anything bad, rumors will be spread around about you. That's just the price of fame. Also, think of all the high expectations you'll be put to, and you'll always be expected to look perfect. Being famous isn't worth it, there are too many annoying things you'll be put through.
It doesn't matter whether you're extremely nice, or violently rude. Either way, you're going to have fans, paparazzi, stalkers, and haters. There are going to be pictures sent throughout the Internet of you, even if you didn't know they were taken. It could be something like you sneezing out a spaghetti noodle, and you'll get all kinds of bad publicity for just one small picture. You'll end up getting stalked to get more pictures of you for creepy people on the Internet. You'll never have privacy. All of this could lead to you getting physically injured, or mentally hurt. You could have your feelings damaged, or someone could be insulted by the image. You could possibly have said something that insulted someone and  they might come after you. Being stalked by paparazzi and crazed fans are definitely downsides to being famous.
Rumors will be spread around about you, even though they're not true, people can still get hurt from them. Many rumors can end up ruining a celebrity's good reputation. You could lose friends and colleagues from the smallest white lies. Possibly, you could even fall into a depression, kind of like Rebecca Black. She was criticized for her voice, and made fun of all throughout YouTube. Rebecca cried over all the hateful comments, and had a  very hard time getting over them. You could potentially get a bad self image due to all the lies that people are spreading about you. Rumors are obviously horrific parts of being famous.
One more terrible thing about being famous is being put to high expectations. Trust me, you will always be expected to look good. You cant just wear sweat pants in public. Everyday you'll be forced to put a serious effort into how you look, or people won't take you seriously. You can't just eat the food you want. Watching your weight is a serious must, and developing a diet to keep up your appearance is also a necessity. Plus, you might also be criticized on how you look. It seems if you don't look like all the other celebrities you'll, be judged just because you're different. High expectations are a terrible thing to have to be put to, especially when it comes to your looks.
Being famous seems marvelous and full of glory, but when you look behind the scenes, it's really just a mix of stalkers, rumors, and high expectations. All of your fans of will become obsessed and slowly begin to stalk you. There will be nasty rumors spread about you, even though innocent! People will always assume you'll walk outside and always look fabulous. All of the producers will have high expectations. Fame is not worth the trouble. It can ruin lives. Some people like the idea of living life in the fast lane, but I'm sure most people would rather avoid rumors, paparazzi, and high expectations.

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