Friday, February 25, 2011

Don't fire the Nervous System!

Dear Human Body Corporation:

You shouldn't fire the nervous system! We have many needed organs and skeletal muscles needed to function properly. First off, we have the brain. The brain is a must have because it contains a small part called the  medulla, it's needed to live because it controls involuntary actions, like breathing. Another necessary reason to keep the nervous system is the spinal cord. The spinal cord helps receive and transmit messages from the brain throughout the body. Last, but not least, another good reason to keep the nervous system  is it's neurons. Neurons also transmit and receive messages but they're a lot smaller than the spinal cord, pretty convenient, ey'? Don't these seem like good reasons to keep the nervous system?
The brain is the "control center" for the body. It contains three main parts: the cerebellum, the cerebrum and the medulla. The cerebellum tracks your muscles and joints, this also helps keep track  of your body's position. The cerebrum is the largest part of your brain, it controls all your senses (touch, taste, smell, sound, etc.). Lastly, the medulla. The medulla controls all involuntary movement, (respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.). Doesn't the brain seem cool? It should, because you can't live with out it. 
The next thing that is very important is the spinal cord. The spinal cord sends impulses all throughout the brain and body. The spinal cord sends impulses about pain, temperature and many other things. One more thing about the spinal cord is it helps send the messages from the brain to the body. Don't you  see the trouble you would be in without a spinal cord? There would be so many problems trying to send messages to and from your body.
One more thing about the nervous system is its neurons. Neurons are basically a small version of the spinal cord. They send impulses and messages throughout the systems. Motor neurons send impulses throughout the systems, like the spinal cord. When muscles get motor neurons signals, they respond by contracting. Sensory neurons are responsible for controlling how your body reacts to things that happen around you, for example, a light turns on, your sensory neurons would adjust your eyes. All neurons send impulses to control your senses and such. Neurons are important, like the rest of the nervous system.

Don't fire the nervous system! You couldn't live without the brain. The spinal cord helps send impulses throughout the body to sense pain and such. Plus, neurons help you adjust to your changing surroundings and send messages through the body. These are all the reasons not to fire the nervous system. Even superman needs his nervous system.

The Nervous System

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