Imagine a beautiful rainforest, tons of plant life, exotic animals, and cute baby birds. Now imagine it being cut down. For what? Filthy extra work... Homework! Homework kills so many trees that provide oxegyn! Say you plan on doing something environmentally friendly, but then you remember you have math homework. What ever will you do? Instead of paying attention in class, you were trying to rush through your homework, how terrible! See how horrible homework is?
Visualize yourself in a sublime forest surrounded by gorgeous vegetation and playful creatures. Now pretend it all disappears. When you take away trees from the planet, it becomes close to nothing. No plants, no mammals, no birds, nothing. Would you really like to live in an ugly world like that? No, of course not! Think of the thousands of trees that are cut down, just for homework. Is it not bad enough we've already murdered hundreds of thousands of trees for other uses? One reason I believe homework is bad is because, we already kill tons of trees and the animals in them. Why make it worse?
There are hundreds of things more important and, or, more fun to do than homework; we all know it's true. Personally I'd rather be spending time with family or friends. Sometimes I also engage in after-school activities. Like wise, I believe in amusement time, such as, doing things you enjoy, hanging out with friends, and family, writing, drawing, ETC. It seems taking a break from work helps you think better. Sometimes it is completely needed to take a break from work.There are many things we'd rather spend our time on than homework, we all know it.
Getting homework can be a distraction. For example, say you got homework from your previous class and you're worried you might not finish it. What do you do? You finish it in class. Homework can be a total distraction! You'll be sitting in a class focusing on homework from two days ago, and miss any important dates, assignments, due dates, or progress reports. How awful is that? You think if you rush through it, you would get a good grade. But what about courtesy and respect grades in class? I think every person who receives homework wants to get it done quickly, but who knew it could actually make your grade worse. Isn't homework starting to sound cruel? You could miss many important lessons while doing homework in class. We all need to focus on school work, not homework.
Doesn't homework sound awful? It kills hundreds, even thousands of trees, animals, and maybe even people! Isn't it unbelieveable how much harm homework does to the enviorment? Who knows, homework could kill us in the future. Homework could also ruin your social life! Wouldn't it be awful if you had to miss basketball because of homework? Wouldn't it be awful to not know there's a test on Friday because you weren't paying attention in class? Think of all the cute baby birds and squirrels we could save by not wasting trees on homework! I bet you Superman and Spongebob want you to save trees. They're probably against homework too, and know i bet you can understand why.
I got the picture from click here
I got the picture from click here
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